Saturday, April 30, 2011

Some Fabulous! Antiques and Drop-Leaf Luciousness!

I wanted to show you some of my acquired treasures this past week.  Two, get that, two drop-leaf tables in 1 week!  And one is an antique (over 100 years old). 

This first one I found at the DI (our local thrift store in Utah):

I have to admit I had almost given up completely on the DI as far as furniture goes.  They have raised their prices so much in the past couple of years that it wasn't worth it for me.  That is until I found this beauty!

That's right!  it is a drop-leaf coffee table!  Don't-you-just-love-it!?  I do!
This little lady needed a little repair, slightly more than cosmetic, but nothing serious.

Hey Lola!  Get outta here!  You can-not eat my table!

Here she is with her leaves up:

I can't wait to finish her up!

This beauty, on the other hand,
is a real gem of an antique!
I got him from a very kind couple near my home.
His name is Albert, after the woman's
dear brother who used to collect
Albert died suddenly of a heart attack
over 20 years ago and
this is one of the pieces she
brought back with her from
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Albert had started refinishing
this beauty, but never quite got around
to completing the project.
I can't wait to put my spin on it
and I hope you are proud of how
it turns out.

I got this with the leaves off, but have
all the parts. 
There are 2 drawers, one on either end.

Again with the legs, Oh My!
I think I am in love!

This little table has 2
(I am told) really old
doillies under the glass

I think it is absolutely adorable!

I will keep you posted on these
wonderful pieces!


Reunion Committee said...

oh wow. those 3 pieces are gorgeous. I cant wait to see what you do with them.. and oh.. you might want to go check out my blog.. just sayin :)

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